Kids Karate(Ages 4 - 7)

Generally our members start at 4 years old. We do take 3 years old if they pass the trail week assessment. This program is structured to help build your child's social skills. Perfect for your preschoolers, Freestyle Martial Arts Academy's Little Ninjas program is a safe, fun, healthy environment that will increase your child's fitness and focus.

Our kids Karate program is specifically designed for preschoolers to 1st grade to increase their coordination and listening ability. Through this fun and exciting program, they maintain a great fitness level as well as increased ability to learn and focus through basic martial arts skills and exercises.


  • Improved listening and concentration
    skills that lead to better grades in school
  • Stronger muscles and cardiovascular
    function that leads to improved health
  • Anti-bully self-defense skills and
    techniques for handling peer pressure
  • Leadership skills that set your
    child apart in the crowd
  • Superior coordination,
    flexibility and balance
  • Better behavior as your kids
    release pent-up energy 

Freestyle Absecon 

Ages 4 - 7
Monday  Wednesday
5:30pm - 6:15pm


You can view answers to frequently asked questions with this link


Start your 1 week trial today to get the full adventure while making new friends who will become family!

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